Welcome to My Kitchen

Welcome to my kitchen, my internet hub, and all around food space! In 2019 I’m going to be making a ton of freshly baked content and needed a home for everything. So click around, explore, enjoy, and keep coming back for more…

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Blog Posts

A hub where I can talk about my food opinions, restaurant recommendations, grocery hauls and more! The least formal section of this site and it dedicated to all things delicious.


Meal Plans

As someone who cooks a lot, I get set in a routine and end up making the same things over and over again. So, I started following a few meal planning food blogs and it really refreshed the way I cook and what I could challenge myself to do that week. While I do make some fancy stuff, a lot of what you’ll see is real, simple, and good.


Video series

For my more complex recipes, out there ideas, or a food series I’ll be making them into Youtube videos! Series such as Make My Feed, Scratch It, and How To PNW. More on those later this year!

Hi my name is Becca and I have a problem.


I get obsessed with things. A lot of random, odd things, but the one thing I’ve always stuck with is cooking. Cooking was the first thing I’ve ever been more than okay at and, as an adult, I finally have the kitchen and job to support my crazy food obsessions. But I found myself in a pickle, I was making all of this cool shit in my kitchen but found no one to share them with. So, I took to the internet and now, here we are.

I'm from Ohio but have found myself in the Pacific Northwest and am completely enamored. My husband, pup, and I have made ourselves completely at home in this totally beautiful, alien, awesome new environment. 

I sell textbooks for my day job, have incredibly wonderful friends, and a loving and warm family. They've done nothing wrong to land themselves with a weirdo like me but I think they love it (and if they don’t they at least get some bomb as food out of it so they keep me around).

Thank you for visiting this page and for following me on this journey! I promise it’ll be mostly delicious and always entertaining.