Jan 27 - Feb 3rd

HELP! ALL OF MY AVOCADOS ARE RIPE AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY ARE! Why wouldn’t I spend my hard earned money on green, wrinkly rocks that have an 18 hour time slot of deliciousness before suddenly turning into waxy, brown mush that smells like crayons with no notice? Why have I don’t this to myself again?! What do I do?!

Girl, I got you.

Avocado Alfredo Pasta
Fancy Noodles

Hello Fresh:
Cheese and Vegetable Jumble

Classic Eggs, Bacon, and Blues

Bigg Cobb Saalad with Avocado Dressing
Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese

** FREE STUFF ALERT: I got two gift cards for a free week of HelloFresh with my meals this week! You’ll still have to set up an account to redeem but you can get your first week ($70) free. Comment below if you’d like to try it! #notsponsored #butthat’dbedope **

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Avocado Alfredo Pasta

Mise en place: Salmon or Chicken, Broccoli, Oil, Garlic, 2 Very Ripe Avocados, Sour Cream, Half and Half, Parmesan Cheese, Fettuccini Pasta, Roma Tomatoes, Frozen Peas.

30 minutes, 2 Servings

1. Prepare well seasoned Salmon or Chicken in oven to preferred doneness
2. Steam 1/2 c broccoli per person
3. Add 2 Tbs oil in a medium high pan, add 2 cloves chopped garlic, and roast until brown.
4. Add garlic and oil to blender, add in 1 very ripe avocado per person (2 in this recipe), 1 Tbs Sour Cream, a splash of half and half, salt, pepper, and 1/2 cup parmesan cheese. Blend until smooth.
5. Cook fettuccine, fresh or boxed, til just done.
6. In a pan, add noodles, shredded salmon or chicken, broccoli, sauce, diced roma tomatoes, and frozen peas and toss to warm and combine, Salt and pepper, serve.


Bigg Cobb Saladd

Mise: Romaine Lettuce, Hard Boiled Egg, Bacon, Avocado, Roma Tomato, Cucumber, Chicken, Cheddar Cheese

5 Minutes, 1 Serving

1. Hard Boil 1 Egg
2. Fry 2 strips of bacon
3. Chop Romaine Lettuce, cube 1/2 of an avocado, dice 1 roma tomato and 1/4 of a cucumber, chop prepared and cooled hard boiled egg, and slice chicken.
4. Combine chopped ingredients in bowl, add cheddar cheese, and top with Avocado Salad Dressing


Avocado Salad Dressing

Mise: Avocado, Sour Cream, Lime Juice, Parmesan Cheese

5 Minutes, 1 serving

1. Add 1 very ripe Avocado, 1 Tbs Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt, Juice of 1/2 a lime, a handful of cilantro, salt, pepper, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, and 2 Tbs of Water to blender. Blend until smooth.


HelloFresh Cheese + Veggie Jumble

Mise: Sweet Potatoes, Red Onion, Grape Tomatoes, Cilantro, Garlic Cloves, Lemon, Avocado, Chili Pepper, Cumin, Grilling Cheese.

35 mins, 2 Servings

1. Peel two small sweet potatoes, then dice. Half and peel 1 red onion, cut into wedges. Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake in 425*F for 25mins.

2. Half tomatoes, finely chop cilantro, mince garlic, half lemon, halve pit, and peel avocado then dice. Mince chili.

3. Combine 3/4 of your cilantro with 1 tsp cumin, a pinch of garlic, pinch of chili, in a small bowl. Squeeze half of lemon and a add a large drizzle of olive oil. Salt, Pepper, mix.

4. Cut grilling cheese into 1/2 inch strips and brown in a non stick pan (4 mins per side)

5. Combine roasted vegetables with diced vegetables, put into large bowl. Place grilled cheese on top, top everything with Chimichurri. Enjoy


Fancy Noodles

Mise: Left Over/Cooked Pasta, 1 lb raw shrimp, Broccoli, Unsalted butter, Shallots, Garlic, Parsley, Lemon, Parmesan Cheese, Chili Flakes.

15 minutes, 3 Servings

1. Depeel and pat dry 1lb of shrimp, season, and set aside.

2. Steam 1 cup of broccoli, set aside.

3.. Melt 1 stick of butter in a pan and, once it’s melted, add two thinly sliced shallots and 2 minced garlic cloves. Cook on medium high heat for 3 minutes. Then, add shrimp. Cook until browned on each side.

4. Add in handful of finely chopped parsley and the juice of half of a lemon. Stir.

5. Add in 2 servings of cooked/left over pasta, cooked broccoli, and 1/2 parmesan cheese. Salt, Pepper, Stir and serve. Top with Chili Flakes.


Tomato Soup +

Grilled Cheese

Mise: Large White Onion, Medium Carrots, Garlic, Unsalted Butter, Tomato Paste, Can Diced Tomatoes, Chicken Stock, Oil, Half and Half, Basil. Sourdough bread, cheddar cheese, More Butter.

1 hour, 10 servings

1. Dice 1 large white onion, 2 medium carrots, and mince 1 large clove of garlic.

2. Melt 2 Tbs of unsalted butter to a large pot then, add onion, carrots, and garlic. Sweat on medium until translucent. Then, add 2 Tbs of tomato paste and stir/cook for 2 minutes.

3. Add 28oz can of rushed tomatoes and 28 oz chicken stock to pot. Stir to combine and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

4. Turn the heat off. Then, blend using an emersion blender until mostly smooth. Then, drizzle in neutral oil until soup is completely creamy. Turn heat back on, add in 1/3 c half and half and large handful of finely chopped basil. Salt, pepper, serve.

5. Butter outside of 2 crusty sourdough bread slices, place preferred cheeses in-between them (I used cheddar, mozzarella, gouda mix). Fry in pan on medium heat until golden on both sides.


E.B.B. Breakfast

Mise: 2 Eggs, 2 Strips of Bacon, 1/3 cup Blueberries

10 minutes, 1 Serving

1. Fry bacon strips in pan until crisp

2. Fry eggs in pan bacon was cooked in until preferred doneness.

3. Serve with blueberries, allow good dogs to lick your plate.


Optional: Fresh Pasta

4.5 Servings, 45 minutes

Mise: 4 large eggs, Salt, and “00” Flour

1. Do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdSLKZ6LN94

Grocery List

Organized by Department because I’m Not a Monster

Leftover Ingredients from Last Week: 1 cup Greek Yogurt, 1/2 Loaf Bread, Parsley Bunch, 2 Carrots, Shredded Cheddar Cheese, and Half + Half

2 Broccoli Crowns
2 Garlic Heads
6-8 Ripe Avocados
6 Roma Tomatoes
2 Shallots
1 White Onion
1 Red Onion
Romaine Lettuce
1 cont. Blueberries
2 cucumbers
2 Limes
1 Lemon
2 Sweet Potatoes
1 small Chili
1 cont. Grape Tomatoes

1 Rotissarie Chicken
1lb Raw Shrimp
18ct Eggs
1.5 lbs Thick Cut Applewood Bacon
1 lb Salmon

1lb Unsalted Butter
8oz Block Grilling Cheese
16oz Grated Parmesan Cheese

Fettuccini Pasta
Tomato Paste
28oz Can Crushed Tomatoes
28oz Chicken Stock

Frozen Peas

Optional: “00” Flour


Neutral Oil (I Use Avocado)
Chili Flakes

Final Thoughts
*But Said In the Tune of Wild Thoughts by the Queen Rihanna*

Turns out, a ton of ripe avocados are really delicious. I was incredibly surprised by how delicious the avocado alfredo was and it 100% going to be making it again soon. The tomato soup and fancy noodles are so easy, so delicious, that I think they’re going to be by go-tos once Neil and I have little ones running around. I really hope you guys try and make the fresh pasta! It’s my absolute favorite thing to do but I understand it involves having a sheeter and can be intimidated. BUT if you have a sheeter, GO FOR IT. IT’S SO WORTH IT.

Let me know if you make any of these and what you think!

xoxo Becca.